Group 149

The Toxic Roots Theory

Many health professionals speculate that trauma, gut issues, hormones, or even quantum energy issues are the root cause of many health issues. At Toxic Roots, we believe it goes deeper: our constant exposure to toxins. The theory postulates that if the toxins and their source are removed, the entire system improves. Once the toxins are addressed, the healing process can begin from the roots up, eventually culminating in a life that is filled with purpose and health.

The Roots Process

The Roots Process is how we addresses the toxins with our clients. First, we get to the root issue by analyzing toxins, stressors, deficiencies and more. Then we work to revitalize the “soil” with a specialized and customized program, including detox, diet and lifestyle changes. Then, we watch the new growth that will emerge, with a goal of our clients finding purpose, community, spirituality and overall optimization of their bodies and lives.

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